Sample Edit
Evaluate My Editing Skills
The sample edit lets us check each other out without an expensive commitment. It will give you priceless information about your writing while allowing you to evaluate my skills.
A sample edit allows me to get a sense of your writing style, where the potential problems are and whether I can solve them, how long the job will take and how it should be priced.
More important than any of that is whether I feel I can elevate your writing. If I do not feel I can help you make your story better, I will recommend that you work with someone who will be a better fit.
I encourage you to request and compare several sample edits and quotes before making your decision. This will give you a feel for how each editor will handle your particular manuscript, what and how each charge and whether you feel they are the right fit for you and your novel.
Any professional editing job needs to be evaluated on more than word count. Every manuscript is unique and requires its own level of editing and attention.
My services include consideration for multiple passes. My job isn't done until your book is in the best shape it can be and you are ready for publication.
For these and other reasons, I use a progressive-pricing array formula that takes these factors into account.
While I understand that an estimate is valuable for budgeting purposes, a sample edit would result in a firm quote for the services you need.
Word Count
Price per 1K
Referral Program: refer a friend and you both will receive 10% off any service booked
Paid in full discount: any service paid in full at time of deposit will receive 10% off the total service price