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Empowering Authors

Examine your final draft
to ensure your
every word is correct

Confirm your manuscript is polished
to publish and market
with confidence

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Editing and Proofreading services for independent and self-publishing authors

Are you ready to craft your story into the best it can be?

I can help you:

  • Empower your writing 

  • Strengthen your story and tighten your narrative

  • Eliminate insidious errors

  • Polish your words without changing your voice


Treat yourself to my FREE Sample Edit and see for yourself!


The latest free goodies to make your writing easier. Help yourself to whatever you need. You'll find more on the Author Goodies page.

Self-Edit Checklist: Clichés and Idioms
Self-Edit Checklist: Vague, Weak and Unnecessary Phrases
orange in crowd.jpg
Self-Edit Checklist: Redundant Expressions

Try Me!

Request your FREE
Sample Edit

Barefoot Editor


"Laura has a keen eye for details... She is great at finding
the tiny inconsistencies in the narrative and
helping to tighten your text."

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